
06 March 2012

*angry cartoon face*

Is it really true that if you're bored you are boring?! And what's the difference between being bored and just... not feeling like doing anything "normal" but still feeling antsy!? I mean- I realize that I'm rather high strung. It's a lot for some people to handle. I can be loud and all in your face at times too. Not in a bad way but more like... in an excited/feisty way. Of course I have nights where I just want to be lazy and do nothing but most of the time I want to be out meeting new people or down the street at the local bar with a shot of Fireball & a Coors Light, playing darts. Is that so wrong?! That I just get BORED sitting around in front of the television on the weeknights? I realize I work tomorrow mmmkayyy but so what?! Just because I work tomorrow it's not OK for me to go out and drink my face off have a beer or two?! I am  I think REALLY what this post is about is judgmental assholes and how OMG SOMETIMES I JUST WANT TO YELL! **deep breaths**

I'm going to finish out the work day, go home, have a FEW BEERS and try to CHILL out!

I need a vacation. Thank GOODNESS my b-day is coming up and I took those 4 days off. Stay-cation it is. Then if I get drunk on a damn Tuesday night NO ONE WILL JUDGE!
 Errr... actually I'm sure someone would. 
Always arguing with myself. Whatever. GTFO.

(Random idea: Stop forgetting you own BF3 and actually play it!)

05 March 2012

Again...but grey

Did the sock bun thing again. Kept my bangs in. Yeahhh.... That's all grey. Screw y'all!! I'll be 25 soon. Whateverrrr....

Entry #whateverrrr Day #5: Smile!

Today's #marchphotoaday theme was Smile!! This is a picture of me (like, duh!) Smiling & wearing my Archer tee. I generally laugh like a total crazy person the entire way through the show! Do you not?! ;) #archer


10-4! Roger that!
No. No I do not roger that! That being the strange dreams I've been having and the generally "off" feeling I've been feeling. Seriously- WHY hasn't anyone found a way to control dreams? I'm not talking Inception here. I mean just basic stuff- like turning them on or off. I've been having dreams of people I've never met before and BARELY even know! Bloggers and other random people I've met online. It is so strange to wake up and for the first ten seconds feel a legitimate connection with these people. Oh, but then you realize "Wow. That was a dream and I don't really know him/her."
*sad face*

04 March 2012

Entry #17: Bedside

I was a bit excited to share this photo for day number 4 of the #marchphotoaday challenge because of my kitty. The theme was Bedside and I swear to it I have the most cuddly kitty ever. At least that I've ever had. I'm not a cat person per say but growing up had several. I love this one to bits. His name is Bagheera (from The Jungle Book!) and he's a bit over a year old. I rescued him last August and he's been great company and provided lots of laughter (as well as TONS of snuggles) ever since! 

There he is... omitting tiny snores wrapped in my Snuggie. Yep. I have a Snuggie and ya know what?! 
I love it *smirk*

Entry #16: Da hood

Today's #marchphotoaday was Neighborhood. Now- I don't live in a gorgeous neighborhood by any means. I wanted to go take a walk down by the river and get some really great photos but today was dull, grey & gloomy. It's not that pictures on days like that can't turn out wonderful but to be honest- I didn't want to go outside. Soooo I played Cinderella and cleaned most of the day. Studio is lookin' good!! Here's a few lame shots of my neighborhood... 

(Photos taken with PicFrame)

Entry #15: Fruity

Yo yo yo!! In my usual style I waited until the last moment (literally was right around midnight) to take a picture for #marphotoaday challenge! The theme was Fruit! So naturally... I had to include myself in this photo some how. So- here's my day two photo!

(I'm wearing my You Have Died of Dysentery t-shirt! #oregontrail #bustedtees )